
5 Factors affects gantry crane design

 Custom designed gantry cranes for sale. How to design gantry crane? The 5 factors affect gantry crane designs, i.e. gantry crane manufacturer girder design, span and arm length design, gantry crane wheel track, crane span size, and electric control, etc. Types of custom gantry crane designs are for you to save time, energy, and money.

Dognqi gantry crane - Custom gantry crane design with crane span of 36 m

Dognqi gantry crane - Custom gantry crane design with crane span of 36 m

Factores affects gantry crane design

There are five factors need to pay attention to about gantry crane design.

Gantry crane girder design

Gantry crane girder design is very important. According to different application, the gantry cranes can be designed into single girder gantry crane, double girder gantry crane, truss girder gantry crane, and box girder gantry crane, etc.

Usually, the lifting capacity is under 50 tons, span in 35 meters, the use of no special requirements, appropriate chooses single main types. If the door legs need wide width, high work efficiency, or often lifting heavy pieces, should use the double girder gantry crane. Truss girder gantry crane is used when wind is heavy. Box girder gantry crane is used for heavy duty material handling.

Span and arm length

Gantry crane span crane is an important factor affecting its quality. In order to meet the demand of equipment selection, the conditions of use and span series standard, should try to reduce the span.

The determination principle of wheel track

  • 1. Can meet the stability requirements of gantry crane track direction
  • 2. Dimension of goods can be smoothly through the legs of flat steel
  • 3. Pay attention to track B and S into a certain proportion, generally the tread B= (1/4? 1/6) S

Determine the gantry crane span size

At work, gantry crane yard and external sizes of cargo and transport vehicles should leave some space size between channels, to facilitate loading and unloading operation. General transportation vehicles within the span of loading and unloading, and door shall be maintained legs more than 0.7 m spacing. There should be more than 0.5m spacing and transport vehicles when the spreader does not work. Goods more than one door legs, spacing should be more than 0.5 m

5 Factors affects gantry crane design

