
Overhead Crane Protection Devices Requirements

 Protection devices have an important effect on overhead crane, so some requirements are attached to them.

It is not convenient to inspect the bridge frame mechanism and trolley mechanism, so some special devices are needed, such as standardization on overhead crane, overload limiter, rising limiter,  sweep rail board, support frame and protection board,etc.

overhead crane protection devices

Following is some requirements:

  1. When lifting load reaches 90% of rated load, system signals; lifting load equaling to rated load, system automatically cuts power and signals.
  2. When lifting appliances reach the limiting position, system automatically cuts power.
  3. Protection board under the end girder prevents lifting appliances and slide wires accidentally touching, and protection board is set between the ladder and walk platform and slide wires.
  4. The baffle should be set at the end of rail to prevent bridge frame off track.

