
Crane Difference:Single Girder Bridge Crane VS Double Girder Bridge Crane

 What is the difference between a single girder bridge crane and a double girder bridge crane? Single girder bridge cranes and double girder bridge cranes are bridge cranes. Some people directly call single-beam cranes or double-beam cranes. What are the main differences between single-beam bridge cranes and double-beam bridge crane machine?

Crane Difference: Crane Structure

First of all, the shape structure difference between single girder crane and Double Girder Crane: two-beam bridge crane with two load-bearing structures on the structure, self-weight comparison, the weight of double girder bridge crane is also large tonnage (20 tons -600 tons).


Single Girder Bridge Crane

Crane Difference: Crane Working Lever

The installation and maintenance of double beam bridge crane is also more troublesome and it needs certain professional knowledge, in addition to double-girder bridge crane minimum working level is A5, there are A6/A7/A8. Single girder bridge crane uses a bearing beam with a light weight, and the lifting capacity is mostly small tonnage (0.5 ton-20 tons). However, the installation, maintenance and repair of single girder overhead cranes is very simple. The single girder bridge crane work level is A3, the current European single-girder crane work level can reach A4/A5, but European single-girder cranes are more expensive.

Crane Difference: Crane Production

The production cost of the two types of cranes is also different. A single girder bridge crane has a lifting beam, a small lifting weight, a short span, a small amount of production materials, and a small number of accessories, so single-beam overhead cranes are cheap and lower cost. The double girder bridge crane has two lifting beams, a large lifting capacity, a larger span, used more materials and accessories, higher technical content, and cumbersome production, so double-girder bridge cranes have higher prices and higher production costs.

Crane Difference: Crane Operation Modes

The other difference is the operation modes of the two types of cranes. In the operation mode, the single-girder bridge crane is generally operated on the ground, and the wired handle and the wireless remote control are mostly used to operate (only a few use cabin), while the operation of the double girder bridge crane mainly uses the cab to operate in mid-air, which occupies more operators (many of them are currently modifying the operation of the remote controller).


Double Girder Bridge Crane

Crane Difference: Crane Mechanical Properties

The difference in mechanical properties between the two cranes is also relatively large. The stability of a single-girder bridge crane is relatively low, the rated lifting capacity is relatively small, and the level of work is relatively low. Double-girder bridge cranes, on the other hand, have relatively high stability, high rated lifting capacity and a relatively high working level.

Therefore, customers do not need to tangle in how to choose crane. It’s mainly depends on the environment, if it is a small starting weight, span is short, use it infrequently, then choose a single beam bridge crane; if the production needs to lift the goods is heavier, span is long and frequent using, double beam bridge cranes must be selected.

Crane Difference:Single Girder Bridge Crane VS Double Girder Bridge Crane

