
Gantry crane plans pdf using method


Gantry crane plans pdf using method introduction

Before operation, according to the relevant national regulations, the gantry crane filing requires the following relevant procedures:    factory certificate, manufacturing enterprise qualification certificate, installer operation certificate, start notification, self-inspection report.

1. Operating Regulations of Double Girder Bridge Crane

1. Before Gantry crane work

a. Check the brakes, hooks, wire ropes and safety devices according to the requirements of the spot check card. If abnormal phenomena are found, they should be eliminated first.

b. The operator must confirm that there is no one on the platform or track before turning on the main power supply. When the power supply circuit breaker is locked or there is a notice board, the main power supply can be turned on only after the original person concerned removes it.

2. Gantry crane At work


MG type beam yard gantry crane

a. When hoisting a heavy object for the first time in each shift (or when the load reaches the maximum weight), the weight should be lowered after the height of 0.5 meters from the ground, and the brake performance should be checked. After the reliability is confirmed, the normal operation can be carried out.

b. During the operation, the operator should ring the bell and alarm for the following operations according to regulations.

① Lifting and landing heavy objects; when driving large and small vehicles. ②When the crane is driving and the line of sight is not clear to pass, it shall continuously ring the bell to alarm;

③When the crane is approaching another crane in the span.

④When lifting heavy objects and approaching people.

c. Operation should be carried out in accordance with the unified command signal.

d. When there is a sudden power failure during work, all controller handles should be placed in the “zero” position, and the crane should be checked for normal operation before restarting work.

e. In the normal operation of the crane and the trolley, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the reverse brake to stop; when changing the movement direction of the crane and the trolley, the handle must be placed in the “zero” position, and the mechanism can be driven in the reverse direction after the mechanism is completely stopped.

f. For cranes with two hooks, when the main and auxiliary hooks are switched and the height of the two hooks is close, the main and auxiliary hooks must be operated separately to avoid collisions between the two hooks.

g. A crane with two hooks is not allowed to lift two objects with two hooks at the same time; adjust the lifting mechanism brake when it is not working.

h. It is not allowed to stop using the limit position limiter, and it is strictly forbidden to adjust the lifting mechanism brake under load.

i. Strictly implement the “Ten No Hanging” system:

① The command signal is unknown or the command is not suspended;

②Do not hoist when the lifting capacity exceeds the rated capacity;

③Unreasonable use of slings or inadequate hanging of objects;

④There are people or other floating objects on the hanging objects.

⑤If the brake or other braking safety device fails, do not hang;

⑥ Do not hang heavy objects when they are directly processed by crane;

⑦Hanging slantingly without hanging;

⑧ Do not hang explosive objects;

⑨ Objects buried in the ground shall not be pulled out;

⑩ Objects with edges and corners are not hung if they are not properly cushioned;

j. If an abnormality is found, shut down immediately, check the cause and eliminate it in time.

3. Gantry crane After work

a. Raise the hook to a certain height, park the cart and trolley at the designated position, and place the controller handle at the “zero” position; pull down the switch handle of the protective box to cut off the power supply.

b. Perform daily maintenance.

c. Do a good job of handover.

Gantry crane plans pdf using method technology

Bridge Construction Site Truss Double Girder Gantry Crane

2. Operating Regulations of Single Girder Bridge Crane

1. Before bridge crane work

a. Before a single-beam bridge crane with a cab, the driver takes over and starts to drive, the hooks, wire ropes and safety devices should be inspected according to the requirements of the spot inspection card, and abnormal conditions should be eliminated if they are found.

b. For ground-operated single-beam bridge cranes, each shift should have a special person responsible for inspection according to the requirements of the check card, and abnormal conditions should be eliminated if they are found.

c. The operator must confirm that there is no one on the platform or track before turning on the main power supply. When the power circuit breaker is locked or there is a notice board, the main power supply can be turned on only after the original person concerned removes it.

2. At bridge crane work

a. When lifting a heavy object for the first time in each shift (or when the load reaches the maximum weight), the weight should be lowered after the height of 0.5 meters from the ground, and the brake performance should be checked. After the reliability is confirmed, the normal operation can be carried out.

b. Strictly implement the “Ten No Hanging” system:

① The command signal is unknown or the command is not suspended;

②Do not hoist when the lifting capacity exceeds the rated capacity;

③Unreasonable use of slings or inadequate hanging of objects;

④There are people or other floating objects on the hanging objects.

⑤If the brake or other braking safety device fails, do not hang;

⑥ Do not hang heavy objects when they are directly processed by crane;

⑦Hanging obliquely without hanging;

⑧ Do not hang explosive objects;

⑨ Objects buried underground are not hung;

⑩ Objects with edges and corners are not hung if they are not properly cushioned;

c. If an abnormality is found, immediately stop the machine, cut off the power supply, check the cause and eliminate it in time.

3. After bridge crane work

a. Raise the hook to a certain height, park the cart at the designated position, and place the controller handle at the “zero” position; pull down the knife switch and cut off the power supply.

b. Perform daily maintenance.

c. Do a good job of handover.


