
Preparing For Your Overhead Crane Installation

 From choosing the right crane to knowing which crane will work best in your workspace, here’s how you can be prepared for your overhead crane installation.

Preparing For Your Overhead Crane Installation
You should understand your company’s needs for an overhead crane prior to installation to choose the best product for your application.
  • What direction the crane machine will be moving (up or down, left or right, forward or back).
  • How often the crane will be used.
  • How the crane will be supported.
  • How high you need the crane to lift.
  • What the distance is between the floor and the lowest point of the ceiling.

The answers to these questions will help you choose the best crane for your facility and help the installation run smoothly. 

Which type of crane is right for your workspace?

  • From workstation bridge cranes to jib cranes to gantry cranes, each type of crane can provide a versatile and cost-effective solution for your lifting and loading needs.
  •  Dongqi Cranes can also create a custom crane solution to fit your workspace and project needs.
  •  Don’t choose a crane that will only work for current projects — make sure you buy a crane that will work for your company’s growing demands and future endeavors.

